Full Name or Institution/Company Name:
Identity Document orVAT Number:
Standard registration fee includes meeting attendance, coffee breaks, cocktail and dinner. Guest registration fee includes cocktail and dinner. Only one guest per standard registration is allowed.
Guided visit to main monuments of Toledo: Jewish quarter, cathedral -exterior-, Alcazar -exterior-, Plaza Zocodover, and private visit to Iglesia de Santo Tomé to visit the most famous El Greco painting, "El entierro del Señor de Orgaz". Duration: 2 hours. Fare: 25€ (to be paid 2-3 weeks before the meeting).
Bank transfer for CONFERENCE FEES, payable to UNICAJA bank Account Number: 2103 2200 1100 3017 1139 IBAN: ES15 2103 2200 1100 3017 1139 B.I.C. / Swift Code: UCJAES2MXXX CONCEPT OF PAYMENT: CRISOL25 NAME + LAST NAME ISSUE EXPENSES: by the payer Owner of the Account Number: (Technical Secretariat) TCR DIGITAL, S.L. (VAT Number: B-44701944) Address: C/ Cervantes, nº 39-45 – Bajo D. CP. 37002 Salamanca (Spain). Send a copy of the transfer indicating the concept of payment by email to the mailbox: crisolregistration@tcrdigital.com